Kundalini Reiki FULL Treatment Package


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Kundalini Reiki is the energy healing to help clear out density from your chakras to allow your own Kundalini fire to rise.

We all have Kundalini fire within us. It is shown as a serpent, lying dormant in the base of the spine or root chakra. As it rises, she begins to purify all of our chakra centers from energetic blocks created from our past experiences that our mind is holding onto.

A Kundalini Reiki session will help your own Kundalini Fire to rise as your energy and mine join to help clear out major density.

Kundalini Reiki focuses on the lower chakra centers, that is where all of our  past, current and future human experiences are held. As the Kundalini Reiki clears out the lower chakras, it will help open and unblock the upper chakras.

Kundalini Reiki is a very powerful energy healing modality. It can help you remember your true nature and spark passion for life!

Kundalini Reiki is a form of hands-on Japanese energy healing that helps to awaken the energy center of the chakras system starting at the root chakra. This complementary therapy practice involves the use of energy transfer through the hands. It is based on an Eastern belief in life force energy that supports the body’s natural healing abilities. Kundalini Reiki uses a synergy of Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) and Kundalini (raw evolutionary force). The Kundalini strengthens the Reiki, while the Reiki “tempers” the Kundalini, making it quite safe and effective. Healing takes place on the subtle energy (vibrational) level by removing blocks and restoring equilibrium to the body’s energy field. Balance on the energetic level is reflected throughout the entire human system to manifest on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If you are looking for a natural way to relieve pain, ease stress. or help your body heal, Kundalini Reiki is a great option!

Full Treatment Sessions are 3 different 60 minutes sessions about 2 weeks apart with a 15-30 min post session call (90 min total)

Each of these session will be via Google Meet  video call

A Kundalini Reiki full session includes the following Reiki’s

Diamond Reiki

Crystalline Reiki

DNA Reiki

Birth Trauma Reiki

Location Reiki

Past Life Reiki

Karmic Bands Reiki

Situations, Issues and personal qualities Reiki

Some Reiki’s that may be added in or replaced with

Subconscious Reiki

Pineal Gland Reiki

Generational Reiki

Torus Flow Reiki

Heart Purifying Reiki

Manifestation Reiki


Full Treatment Sessions are 3 different 60 minutes sessions about 2 weeks apart with a 15-30 min post session call (90 min total)Virtual/Distance : Will be a zoom (90 mins total )